About Me and This site
Hello! I'm Nicholas, a student from Alberta, interested in computer engineering.
This site documents things I'm interested in, and other things I find.
- Go to Images to look at pictures from my various travels.
- Go to the Blog to read about... whatever really.
- Go to the Programming to see things i've made.
Notice |
Content on this website is not guarenteed to be reliable. Use your better judgement when reading things! |
Personal Life
I live an average life for a high schooler. I am currently in grade 12, so I get to enjoy senioritis.
I am the lead programmer of my school's robotics team, which previously made it to provincials.
At home, I have a cat, Holly, the bane of all my homework (pictured on the right).
I am passionate about computers, aviation, and electrical engineering.
I hope to go to university for computer engineering one day.
Outside of that, I spend a lot of my time playing video games with my friends online, or slacking off with YouTube.
Links & connections
- Github: 28add11
- Discord: 28add11
- Email: nickw3939 *AT* gmail.com