
About Me and This site

Hello! I'm Nicholas, a student from Alberta, interested in computer engineering. This site documents things I'm interested in, and other things I find.

I hope this site is of use to you!

Content on this website is not guarenteed to be reliable. Use your better judgement when reading things!

Personal Life

Holly the Cat
My cat Holly

I live an average life for a high schooler. I am currently in grade 12, so I get to enjoy senioritis. I am the lead programmer of my school's robotics team, which previously made it to provincials.
At home, I have a cat, Holly, the bane of all my homework (pictured on the right). I am passionate about computers, aviation, and electrical engineering. I hope to go to university for computer engineering one day. Outside of that, I spend a lot of my time playing video games with my friends online, or slacking off with YouTube.